intelligence n. 1.智力,智慧,才智,聪明。 2.通知,消息。 3.情报,谍报,情报机构。 4.(导引)信息,(瞄准)信号。 5.【宗教】 〔常pl.〕神,天使。 intelligence quotient 智商,智力商数〔略作 I.Q.心理学家进行智力测验的术语〕。 an intelligence test 智力测验。 exchange a look of intelligence 递眼色。 give intelligence of 通知。 receive intelligence of 接到通知。 intelligence agent 情报员。 intelligence bureau [department] 情报局,情报处。 intelligence centre 情报所,情报中心。 intelligence data 情报资料。 intelligence office 情报处[局];〔美国〕职业介绍所。 intelligence officer 情报官员。 communications intelligence 【军事】电信侦察。 current intelligence 【军事】动态情报。 the Supreme I- 上帝。
First , our intelligence activities strictly target al qaeda and their known affiliates 第一,我们的情治活动针对盖达组织以及其相关人士。
A comparative research on competitive intelligence activities between chinese and american enterprises 中美企业开展竞争情报活动的案例比较研究
The more the profound interest students have , the more it will bring focused attention , careful observation , and clear reaction , also most effective in thinking , memory and other intelligence activities 兴趣越浓,注意力就越集中,观察也越细致,反应越清晰,思维、记忆等多种智力活动也最有成效。
It offers theoretical foundation for high school teachers to train students " creative thinking ability . mathematics creative thinking is a kind of conscious thinking which is a complicated psychology and intelligence activity 数学创造性思维是一种自觉的能动思维,是一种十分复杂的心理和智能活动,需要有创见的设想和理智的判断。
During teaching process , we can develop the students " language sense by letting them reading , reciting , tasting etc . necessary awaken status is very important to the efficiency of intelligence activities 教学中,可以通过朗读、背诵、品味、涵泳等途径来培养学生语感。通过朗读与背诵,学生把课文的句式、语调、语法规则、修辞手法等深深印入脑海,被纳入到学生的语感图式中并固定下来。
China is engaged in hostile intelligence activities , and instead of using the old - fashioned methods , they are focusing on electronic means to hack into systems to discover britain ' s defence and foreign policy secrets , and they are technologically pretty advanced and adept at it , an unnamed government source told the times 一个不具名的政府人员告诉《时报》说: “中国在从事带有敌意的情报活动,他们没有使用过时的方法,而是主要使用电子手段侵入系统寻找英国防务和外交政策秘密,他们入侵技术相当先进而且运用娴熟。 ”
This environment , providing convenient conditions for enterprises to evolve in competitive intelligence activities can help them collect , absorb and utilize the competitive intelligence of the fields of economy , management and technology so as to improve the enterprises ' management ability and competition 块状经济营造了一种得天独厚的区域性竞争情报环境,为块状内的所有企业开展竞争情报活动提供了较明显的便利条件,很大程度上方便了企业能够频繁、灵活、高效地收集、吸收和利用各种经济、管理、技术等方面的竞争情报,从而极大地提高了企业管理经营水平和市场竞争力。